Tuesday, February 17, 2009


There's this website called, Picknik.com! I love it! You can "photoshop" the pictres, and play around with them, make them funny, add different frames to them, and all that! The two pictures from the last blog were from the same website! It's a cheap alternative to photoshop!! Wahoo! I thought this picture was soo funny!! LOL

Hudson is getting so big! At his 6 months check up....well 6 month and 3 week check up, he was 20 lbs 7 oz!!! and 29 inches long!!!! The doctor said he is a giant baby!! He's well over 100% in length! and 75-90th in weight!! He has one tooth right now! Working on another one to come out! Hopefully soon, so this drooling will reduce! It has a lot though!

He is really the HAPPIEST baby I have ever met/seen/been around whatever! He's never in a bad mood, he plays by himself, he loves the doggies, and the doggies love him! He smiles at everyone, and makes everyone one around him soo happy! I just can't get enough of him!

I'm not sure if I'm ready for him to crawl yet, he can roll around just fine and get stuff so he's already mobile enough! I want him to grow up, however I don't want it to go to fast! I love my little boy! I'm going to play around with some more pictures soon! Can't wait!

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